I have any part for every
pictorial I have done on my web site. If you need
something that you don't see here as I build up this page, just
email me and I will get back to you.
outside the USA will require extra postage, please email for
quote. No shipping of any liquids or freon to Alaska,
Hawaii or outside the USA.
Nitrile Mechanic Gloves
Vacuum Valve Lever kit
Vacuum Valve Switch w/ Vacuum Levers
Transmission Modulator
Test Hose
Transmission Modulator
Transmission Shift
Bushing Kit
Transmission Mount
Piston Kit
Filter Kit
Filter Kit
Transmission Cooler Hose
Transmission Kick-down
Nitrile Mechanic Gloves

Price: $29.50
S&H: Free
Product Description:
Do you work on cars or anything else around the house that you want to
keep your hands clean? This kit will fit all Human Hands
Russell's Review of
the Nitrile Mechanics Gloves :
These gloves are fantastic! I use LOTS of
these working on any car repair or project. If you are sick and
tired of getting black oil, grease, dirt or any other yuck on your
hands, then these are a must have in your tool box. I have used
Nitrile gloves for years. Superior to Latex gloves especially if
you are alergic to latex. Powder free, thick enough not to tear
and thin enough to handle even the smallest nut or bolt you may want to
hold. I use them everyday and my hands thank me!
One size fits all.
The Nitrile Mechanics
Gloves includes:
Vacuum Valve Lever kit
Price: $18.99
S&H: $1.00
Product Description:
those vacuum valve levers to help restore smooth shifting in your turbo
diesel. These are high quality OEM type parts that fit
perfect. Most owners don't even know the levers exist, hence never
replace them. Since they are plastic, they will wear out over
time. They are located on the top of the valve cover, under the
black plastic box with vacuum lines running to it. The levers are
sold as a pair. This kit can be used on all
diesel engines in the following chassis models 123, 126 through 1984 that use the vacuum
Russell's Review
of the Transmission Vacuum Valve Levers :
is a very simple do-it-yourself project. Every 84 and older Turbo
Diesel I have seen, has had worn levers in them. I have replaced
so many for my cars and others, that I decided to do a pictorial on how
to replace them on the Mercedes diesel maintenance tips page.
Transmission Vacuum Valve Lever Kit includes:
Vacuum Switch
Price: $67.50
S&H: $2.50
Product Description:
If you
went to replace your vacuum levers and discovered the mounting ears
broken, this is what you need. This kit can be used on all
diesel engines in the following chassis models 123 that use the vacuum
Russell's Review
of the 3/2 Vacuum Switch :
is a very simple do-it-yourself project. Every 84 and older Turbo
Diesel I have seen, has had worn levers in them. If the mounting
ears are cracked or broken, you will have to replace the entire
switch. Most cars have 2 switches piggy backed on the valve
3/2 Vacuum Switch Kit includes:
Modulator Test Hose
S&H: $3.50 Vacuum
Gauge is NOT included.
Product Description:
Does your transmission modulator
work? Is leaking? Do you have hard shifts? My
custom kit lets you hook up YOUR vacuum gauge to the modulator while you
drive, so you can see what its doing This part can be used on all
chassis models with a vacuum operated modulator valve. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of the
Transmission Test Hose :
If you suspect that your modulator is not
working correctly, then use my test hose and tee to see once and for
all. Just hook up your vacuum gauge to one end and the other end
to the transmission modulator and its vacuum supply hose. Drive
the car with the vacuum gauge inside with you and you will see what kind
of signal it is getting at each shift point. Also is a great tool
to use when adjusting the modulator for a precise shift.
The Transmission Test
Hose Kit includes:
Transmission Modulator Valve
Price:$57.50 S&H: $4.50
Price:$88.50 S&H: $4.50
Product Description:
A poor shifting transmission can result
from a defective and leaking transmission modulator valve. Depending
on model your valve may be black, green or red. This part can be used on chassis models
116, 123, 124, 126, 129, 140, 202, 210 models. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
If you have the RED transmission
modulator valve on your car then it is a totally different animal and
you can order that below. Most 116 body cars, early 123 and 240d
cars will have the red modulator valve.
Russell's Review of the
Modulator Valve Kit:
If you experience rough or erratic
shifts, or hear a "clunk" when coming to a stop, your
modulator valve may be bad. They can leak vacuum or just not
function properly. They don't last forever, so when in doubt,
replace it.
The Modulator Valve Kit
Transmission Shift
S&H: $1.50
Product Description:
Does your car pop out of gear and make
noise at the shift linkage? Does it wiggle around and not feel
solid? This part can be used on chassis models
123, 126 diesel models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of the
Automatic Transmission Bushing Kit:
Stop taking changes with you car popping
out of gear and rolling away. I have had several in my shop start
to roll in park, due to worn shift bushings. Don't let your car
kill itself, replace the shift bushing today.
The Automatic Transmission Bushing Kit includes:
Transmission Mount
S&H: $Free
For 124 body
Product Description:
If the rubber in your transmission mount
is broken or deteriorated, then replace it with a new mount. This part can be used on chassis models
115, 123, 126 models . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Order 124 body tranny mount below.
Russell's Review of the
Transmission Mount:
If the drivetrain feels sloppy when the
car shifts gears, you could have a deteriorated transmission mount.
Its not a hard job to do.
The Transmission Mount
Piston Kit
S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Does your transmission leak from the B2
piston cover, pop out of 1st gear, not engage 1st gear? You may
have a broken B2 piston This part can be used on all
123, 126 models only . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of the
B2 Piston Kit:
I just did a very detailed pictorial on
removing and replacing the B2 piston. The transmission does NOT
have to be removed to do the job.
The B2 Piston Kit includes:
Filter Kit
S&H: $Free
Don't for get to order the DVD on
changing the fluid and filter.
124, 201 and 202 Models
Product Description:
This kit can be used on the following chassis models:
116, 123, and 126 with the diesel engine. Please give year, make
model and VIN # when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
124, 201 and 202 models order below.
Russell's Review of the
Transmission Filter Kit :
This is an item that is really overlooked.
Transmission fluid should be changed ever 24k miles max. I do mine
every 12k miles and is cheap insurance on a transmission failure.
Fluid overheating and turning to varnish, is a huge problem on
automatics. Keep the transmission filter and fluid changed often
to prevent future expensive problems. The kit includes a filter
and pan gasket and other gaskets as related to your model.
The Transmission Filter Kit includes:
Transmission Cooler Hose

Price: $27.50
S&H: $2.50
Product Description:
Is your rubber tranny cooler
hoses leaking? This kit can be used on the following chassis models:
115, 116, 123, and 126 through 1985 with the diesel engine. Please give year, make
model and VIN # when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of the
Transmission Cooler Hose :
Rubber and hot tranny fluid are not the best of
friends. Over time the rubber transmission cooler hoses that go
from the radiator to the steel lines will leak and crack. Easy to
install and spring wrapped, these cooler hoses will last for many years
to come. Stop dripping tranny fluid all over your driveway.
The Transmission
Cooler Hose includes:
Transmission Kick-down Cable

Price: $98.00 S&H: $6.00
Product Description:
Get the shift back into that tranny. This product can be used on
123 and 126 body turbo diesel Mercedes through 1985.
Russell's Review of
Transmission Kick-down Cable Kit:
The kick-down cable is responsible for when the
transmission shifts. Adjustment of a defective, stretched or
broken cable will not yield a transmission that shifts properly.
This cable is NOT for how hard the transmission shifts, that is the
vacuum modulator valves job.
Runs from the transmission on the passenger
side to the top of the valve cover on the same side.
This Package Includes:
- One
(1) transmission kick-down cable.
Kickdown Solenoid
Pic coming soon
S&H: $5.50
Product Description:
If your tranny is not kicking down into
low gear with the accelerator switch, then the solenoid is probably bad.
This part can be used on all
123, 124, 126, 140, 201, 210 models only . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of the
Kickdown Solenoid:
The solenoid electrically engages 1st
gear when the switch is depressed under the accelerator pedal. To
test it come to a complete stop and mash the accelerator pedal to the
floor. If the car does not drop down into first, then the solenoid
or the switch or both are bad.
The Kickdown Solenoid includes: