Body &
I have any part for every
pictorial I have done on my web site. If you need
something that you don't see here as I build up this page, just
email me and I will get back to you.
outside the USA will require extra postage, please email for
quote. No shipping of any liquids or freon to Alaska,
Hawaii or outside the USA.
Nitrile Mechanic Gloves
Mercedes Ignition
Lock Set with Key
Ignition Lock Housing
Ignition Lock Cover
Regulators 123 Series Cars
Window Motors
Window Switches
Early Models
Switches Later Models
Door Handles
Genuine Sheep
Skin Seat Covers
Dash Dimmer
Small Instrument Cluster Bulbs
Large Instrument Cluster Bulbs
Instrument Cluster Socket
Interior Dome
Hazard Switch
Signal/Combo Switch
Sealing Strip Kit
Windshield Seal
Windshield Seal
Side Mirror
Metal Related
Hatch Struts
Antenna Mast
Upper Body Molding Inserts
Lower Molding Clips
Rear Emblem Inserts
Cowl Vent Rivets
Door Panel
Door Check Strap
Spare Tire
Front Grill
Front Grill Mounting Kit
Hood Release
Trunk Seal
Voltage Regulator
Alternator Adjust Bolt
Tachometer Sensor
Rear Muffler 123 Body
Rear Muffler 126 Body
Windshield Washer Nozzles
Windshield Washer Kit
Windshield Wiper Shield
Tray & Hold Downs
Speedometer Cable
Nitrile Mechanic Gloves
 Price: $27.50
S&H: Free
Product Description:
Do you work on cars or anything else around the house that you want to
keep your hands clean?
This kit will fit all Human Hands
Russell's Review of
the Nitrile Mechanics Gloves :
These gloves are fantastic! I use LOTS of
these working on any car repair or project. If you are sick and
tired of getting black oil, grease, dirt or any other yuck on your
hands, then these are a must have in your tool box. I have used
Nitrile gloves for years. Superior to Latex gloves especially if
you are alergic to latex. Powder free, thick enough not to tear
and thin enough to handle even the smallest nut or bolt you may want to
hold. I use them everyday and my hands thank me!
One size fits all.
The Nitrile Mechanics
Gloves includes:
Mercedes Ignition
Lock Set with Key
Price: $69.00
S&H: $4.00
For 123 Body
For 126 Body
Price: $84.00
S&H: $4.00
Product Description:
If you are looking for
quality lock and key cylinder, I have some in stock for the W123 body
The time it takes to do the job, do it right and it will last for years.
The key will not match the doors, but hey, it sure beats the MB dealer
at $100. The lock cylinder comes with one (1) key. I will
need your full VIN # when you order to ensure you get the right
cylinder. This kit can be used on the following chassis models
123 and 126. Please include your VIN# when you order.
Russell's Review
of the Ignition Lock Set:
is a great do-it-yourself project that can save you huge $$ over
having a locksmith do it. I decided to do a pictorial on how to
replace them on the Mercedes diesel maintenance tips page.
Ignition Lock Set includes:
Lock Housing
 Price: $196.99
S&H: $7.00
Product Description:
If you have had to cut
your lock housing or it is jamming then you will need this unit. I will
need your full VIN # when you order to ensure you get the right
cylinder. This kit can be used on the following chassis models
123. Please include your VIN# when you order.
Russell's Review
of the Ignition Lock Housing:
Some times when you key
is stuck in the tumbler you must destroy the housing or it will jam over
time. When this happens you need a new lock housing. Does
not come with the key and tumbler.
Ignition Lock Housing includes:
Lock Cover

Pic is to show cover only
Price: $62.00
S&H: $2.00
Product Description:
If you have had to cut
your lock housing or it is jamming then you will need this unit. I will
need your full VIN # when you order to ensure you get the right
cylinder. This kit can be used on the following chassis models
123. Please include your VIN# when you order.
Russell's Review
of the Ignition Lock Cover:
This is the hardened steel cover that screws on to the ignition cylinder
to keep it secure. If yours is mangled or had to be drilled out
just install a new one.
Ignition Lock Cover includes:
Sealing Strip Kit

Price: $90.00
S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Stop annoying front window rattling and
shaking. The rubber felt strip that seals against the outside of
the 2 front windows, is really not designed to last 20 years.
Rubber deteriorates with age and gets hard and brittle. Hard
rubber is not a good seal against glass. Since
the 2 front windows get the most movement over time with the windows
going up and down, this kit addresses the broken and cracked rubber
seal. If your seal is cracked or not fitting tight against the
glass, water and debris can get inside the door and start a
moisture/rust problem. This kit will fit all 123 4 door body Mercedes 1977-1985. Please give year, make
model and VIN # when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of the Window
Sealing Strip Kit :
ts not all that hard to do. This is an item that
most people don't even give a second thought to. The rubber on the
Mercedes cars are very good, but were never intended to last 20 plus
years. A good seal against the glass is all that stands in
the way of water, moisture and debris from entering the door
cavity. The 2 front windows are usually the ones that are most
damaged since these are the 2 windows that are raised and lowered the
most over the life of the car.
The Window Sealing Strip Kit includes:
Two (2) Window sealing felt
strips, one for each front window on the outside.
Access to my web site pictorial
and phone access to me if you have any questions
Window Switch Early Models
S&H: $3.50 Double Switch with lockout.
Double Switch without lockout.
S&H: $3.50 Single Switch for
the rear doors
Product Description:
Replace your broken or defective window
switch. This part can be used on
115, 116, 123, series cars up to and including 1981, and all 240d's . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Please order either
the double switch in the console that has the lock out feature or the
one without the lockout feature or the single switches that
install in the rear doors.
Russell's Review of the
Window Switch:
Easy to replace and complete with the
proper chrome trim.
The Window switch includes:
Window Switch Later Models

S&H: $3.50 Double Switch with lockout.

Double Switch without lockout.

S&H: $3.50 Single Switch for
the rear doors
Product Description:
Replace your broken or defective window
switch. This part can be used on
123, 126, 201 series cars from 1982 and newer . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Please order either
the double switch in the console that has the lock out feature or the
one without the lockout feature or the single switches that
install in the rear doors.
Russell's Review of the
Window Switch:
Easy to replace.
The Window switch includes:
Interior Door Handles

S&H: $4.00 Interior Door
Handle for Left side
Interior Door Handle for Right side
Product Description:
Replace your broken interior door handle.
This part can be used on 123
and 126 series
cars through 1985 . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Interior door handles
come in left or right side and are the same front/back.
Russell's Review of the
Door Handles:
Your interior door handles are sold
either left or right and are the correct chrome finish.
The Interior Door Handles includes:
Rear Windshield Seal
Pic coming soon.
S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Is your rear windshield
leaking? This part can be used on all 123
4 dr. models only . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of the
Rear Windshield Seal Kit:
What can I say if the seal leaks its got
to be replaced. The 123 series used a hand fitted seal on the
front and rear window glass, no glue or silicone necessary. Just
remove the seal by cutting it and tearing it our and the window will
just pop out.
The Rear Windshield
Seal Kit includes:
Front Windshield Seal
Pic coming soon.
S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Is your front windshield
leaking? This part can be used on
123 4dr. models only . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of the
Front Windshield Seal Kit:
What can I say if the seal leaks its
gotta be replaced. The 123 series used a hand fitted seal on the
front and rear window glass, no glue or silicone necessary. Just
remove the seal by cutting it and tearing it our and the window will
just pop out.
The Front Window Seal
Kit includes:
Hatch Struts
S&H: $8.00
123 Body
S&H: $8.00
124 Body
Product Description:
Rear hatch on your wagon hitting you in
the head when you let go? Replace the (2) hatch struts and stop
using the broom handle. This part can be used on chassis models
123 and 124 wagon models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of the
Wagon Hatch Struts:
The rear hatch struts wear out just like
the suspension shocks. Stop using your wife's broom to hold up the
rear hatch, and letting it hit you in the head. Shocks will make a
huge "smile" factor when you lift the rear hatch.
The Wagon Hatch Strut
Kit includes:
Window Regulator 123 Series
Price:See Below
S&H: See below
Product Description:
Is your window loose or falls down in the
door? Does it make a grinding noise or just not operate
smoothly? You may need a new window regulator. This part can be used on
123 300 4 door series cars only . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Email me if you have a 2 door
Russell's Review of the
Window Regulator W123 300 Series Cars:
The regulators can go bad if the assembly
worked loose and the motor torqued it around. If the arms get
bent, its just better to replace them with a new set. If you want
your windows to go up and down like they did when it rolled off the
assembly line, put some new regulators in your car. You have a
regulator assembly in each door. The left side is the drivers
side, the right side is the passenger side. If you are ordering
either the left or right REAR door regulators, then you will need the
installation kit which is (1) window regulator rail and (1) window
regulator kit. The front regulators of either side do not require
the installation kit.
The Window Regulator W123
300 Series Cars Kit
Pic coming soon.
Price:See Below
S&H: See below
Product Description:
If your window motor is not working or
working very slow, its time for a new motor. This part can be used on
116, 123, 126 series cars . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
If you have an 8 tooth drive
motor then email me for your price.
Russell's Review of the
Window Motors:
Sometimes when doing the regulators you
may also want to install a new motor if yours is getting tired.
Mercedes has great window motors, but they do fail. Make sure your
switch is good to eliminate that, if the motor still does not move, its
time for a new one. Each door has a unique motor so order the one
you need for the specific door you are working on. The left side is the drivers
side, the right side is the passenger side.
The Window motors includes:
S&H: $.50
Product Description:
Look under your car at the rubber exhaust
hangers. I bet they are cracked and torn and some may be missing
This part can be used on all models only . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of the
Exhaust Hanger:
The engine shocks don't last 20 years and
if yours are worn, then replace them. A very easy job to do, and
even easier if you do the motor mounts at the same time. You will
be very pleased with how smooth the engine will get with new engine
The Exhaust Hanger includes:
Turn Signal/Combo
 Price:$ 194.00
S&H: $ 6.00
Product Description:
Quit fumbling with you turn signal,
install a new one. This part can be used on
123 models only . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Turn
Signal/Combo Switch Kit:
If your turn signal, light high beam, or
windshield wipers are not working or the switch is broken, then replace
it with a new one.
The Turn
Signal/Combo Switch Kit includes:
Hood Pad
Hood pad may look different on different models.
For 123 Body Price:$85.00
S&H: $10.50
For 126 Body Price:$85.00
S&H: $10.50
Product Description:
Is your hood pad missing or hanging down?
This part can be used on
123 and 126 models. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Order the 126 pad below.
Russell's Review of
the Hood Pad:
Renew your hood pad to lower sound and
vibration. Hood pad on some models comes with the metal heat
shield to reduce the turbo heat migration to the hood. Ship oversize via Fed Ex ground.
The Hood Pad includes:
Part may look different for different models. Price:$13.00
S&H: $1.50
Product Description:
Is your trunk filling up with water when
it rains or you wash the car? This part can be used on
123 and 126 models only . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Antennae Grommet:
Stop the water getting in the trunk via
the antennae gap. This high quality grommet replaces yours
perfectly. Stops water from entering the trunk and antennae
motor. Easy to replace, no tools needed.
The Antennae Grommet includes:
Don't forget to order the antenna
install DVD. Price:$49.00
S&H: $4.50
For 126 Body to 1985 Price:$53.00
S&H: $4.50
Product Description:
Is your antenna mast bent, broken of
missing? This part can be used on
123, 124 and 201 models only . Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
For the 126 body to 1985 order
Russell's Review of
the Antenna Mast:
Stop driving around with a bent or broken antenna
mast, it looks bad! For stock Mercedes power antenna only.
Easy to replace just look at the
antenna mast pictorial.
The Antennae Mast includes:
Internal Voltage Regulator
S&H: $4.50
Product Description:
Is your alternator light on or having a
hard time charging your battery and keeping your electrical accessories
running right? This part can be used on
123 and 126 models only that use an internal voltage regulator. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Internal Voltage Regulator:
This is one of those items that can
strand you on a road trip. Alternators rarely go bad, its the
voltage regulators that usually go out. A simple 2 bolt mount, the
voltage regulator fits into the back of the alternator and can be
replaced with alternator still on the car.
The Internal Voltage
Regulator includes:
External Voltage Regulator
S&H: $3.50
Product Description:
Is your alternator light on or having a
hard time charging your battery and keeping your electrical accessories
running right? This part can be used on
115, 116, 123 and 126 models only that use an external voltage regulator. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the External Voltage Regulator:
This is one of those items that can
strand you on a road trip. Alternators rarely go bad, its the
voltage regulators that usually go out. A simple 2 bolt mount, the
voltage regulator mounts on the car fender
TheExternal Voltage
Regulator includes:
Hood Release Strap

S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Is your hood release strap broken?
Stop using a coat hanger or pliers to open the hood. This part can be used on
123 and 201 models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Hood Release Strap:
This is the little strap that pops out of
the grill when the inside hood release handle is pulled. Most of
them tend to get broken from people lifting up on them as they raise the
hood. Just pull the strap out and raise the hood with your other
hand or it will break again.
The Hood Release Strap
Trunk Seal
pic coming soon Price:$99.00
S&H: $8.00 For
123 Body
For 126 Body
Is your trunk seal leaking?
Then replace it This part can be used on
123 and 126 models up to 1985. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Trunk Seal:
This is the rubber seal that goes around the trunk
opening to seal out the water and elements from getting in the trunk.
Replace it and be done with it for another 25 years. Don't let you
trunk rust out due to a faulty trunk seal.
The Trunk Seal
Sheep Skin Seat Covers
S&H: $17.00
Product Description:
Are your seats tired and have seen better
days? This part can be used on
123 and126 models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Sorry this product is no longer
Russell's Review of
the Sheep Skin Seat Covers:
After doing this job I am so
thrilled. The difference in how the seats feel and how I feel
while sitting in a sheep skinned MB is amazing. Everyone who is
tired of the hot MB tex or leather should get a pair of
these. These are custom genuine handmade Australian sheep
covers. NOT store bought.
The Sheep Skin Seat
Dash Dimmer Switch
S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Are you dash lights not working or you
are unable to adjust the bightness? This part can be used on
123 models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Dash Dimmer Switch:
Stop squinting at your dash at
night. Replacing the dash dimmer will give you back control of
your dash and climate control lights. Easy to do.
The Dash Dimmer Switch includes:
Small Instrument Cluster Bulbs (2
S&H: $1.00
Product Description:
Are you dash lights not working or burned
out? This part can be used on
Mercedes only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Small Instrument Cluster Bulbs:
You cluster uses 6 small bulbs: for 1 for each
blinker indicator (right and left), low fuel, bright light, brake wear, parking
brake. After removing your instrument cluster, replace all your
bulbs so you don't have to pull the cluster out again.
The Small Instrument Cluster
Large Instrument Cluster Bulbs (3 pack)
S&H: $1.00
Product Description:
Are you dash lights not working or burned
out? This part can be used on
Mercedes only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Large Instrument Cluster Bulbs:
You cluster uses 3 large bulbs: for 1 for each prism
(right and left) in
the top of the cluster, 1 for the battery charge indicator. The bulbs do
NOT come with the brown socket, you reuse you old socket. After removing your instrument cluster, replace all your
bulbs so you don't have to pull the cluster out again.
The Large Instrument Cluster
Instrument Cluster Socket
S&H: $1.00
Product Description:
Is your instrument cluster missing some of the
large bulb sockets? This part can be used on
Mercedes only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Order the large bulbs above.
Russell's Review of
the Large Instrument Cluster Socket:
Your instrument cluster uses 3 of the large bulbs.
Often the sockets that hold the bulbs will be damaged or missing.
The Large Instrument Cluster
Interior Dome Light
Pic soming soon.
S&H: $4.50
Product Description:
Is your interior dome light not working,
broken or missing? This part can be used on
116, 123 and 126 models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Interior Dome Light:
Quite fumbling around at night when you
get into your car. A broken, missing or malfunctioning dome light
will not light your way. Easy to install and well worth the
The Interior Dome
Door Striker
Pic coming soon.
S&H: $4.50
Striker for 123 models.
Right Side
Left Side
S&H: $4.50
Striker for 126 models.
Right Side
Left Side
Product Description:
Is your door striker broken or the rubber
detoriated? This part can be used on 123 and 126 models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Order the 126 body below.
Russell's Review of
the Door Striker:
Defective strikers can prevent the door
from closing properly and may not keep it secured if you get into an
accident. The rubber will detoriate over time and will cause the
door to not close and latch properly. Easy to install. Fits
front or rear.
The Door Striker includes:
Panel Clips
S&H: $2.50
Product Description:
Is your door panel clips not holding
anymore? This part can be used on 123 and 126 models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Door Panel Clips:
These little plastic clips hold the door
panels to the door and get brittle with time. If you are planning
on removing the door panel to install a new master vacuum switch, order
a set of these clips and it will make the installation much
easier. Clips sold in sets of 10
The Door Panel Clips includes:
Headlight Switch
S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Is your headlight switch not working
properly on all functions anymore? This part can be used on
115, 116, 126, 123, 126 and 210 models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Headlight Switch:
Sometimes this switch just desenegrates
and needs to be replaced. Easy to change out and do.
The Headlight Switch includes:
Tire Cover Board
S&H: $14.50
Product Description:
Is your spare tire cover water damaged,
warped or missing? This part can be used on 123,
models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Spare Tire Cover Board:
We are really proud to offer this items
exclusively to our customers. The factory spare tire cover board
after 20 plus years is almost always warped, damaged or disintegrating.
We have drop in replacement that are made exclusively for by Skippers . These are hand made and look like they
did when the car was new. Put your trunk back in order and get rid
of that junk board, you will be glad you did. Shipped in an
oversize box via Fed Ex ground.
The Spare Tire Cover
Board includes:
Front Grill
S&H: $28.50
Don't forget to order you MB
hood star emblem.
Product Description:
Is your front grill damaged or missing? This part can be used on 123,
models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Ships Fed Ex Oversize
Russell's Review of
the Front Grill:
The front grill if the first thing someone sees
when you are motoring down the road. You never get a second chance
to make a first impression! Mercedes autos are recognized the
world over by the unique grill, don't let the rest of your fellow MB
drivers down with a shoddy or missing grill. Does not come with
the Mercedes start emblem.
The Front Grill includes:
Front Grill Mount Kit
S&H: $2.50
Product Description:
Is your front grill gasket damaged or missing? This part can be used on 123,
models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Front Grill Mount Kit:
If you are replacing your front grill then a new
gasket and hardware is a must for non squeak performance. You can look at the
Mercedes paint preparation pictorial to see how installation is done.
Includes the gasket and all mounting hardware.
The Front Grill Mount
Alternator Adjustment Bolt
S&H: $2.50
Product Description:
Is your alternator adjustment bolt bent, missing
or corroded? This part can be used on 116, 123
and 126 models through 1985. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Alternator Adjustment Bolt:
Yes these bolts are not cheap and are designed by
Mercedes. Most of them I see are bent due to people not loosening
the 3 pivot bolts that hold the alternator to the bracket. This is
the only way you can get proper tension on the alternator belt, too
loose and it won't charge properly, too tight and it will destroy the
bearings in the alternator. Do it right with the right part.
The Alternator
Adjustment Bolt includes:
Rear Muffler 126 Body
Pic coming soon
S&H: $15.00
Product Description:
Is your muffler leaking, rusted or missing? This part can be used on 126 models through 1985. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Not Currently available
Russell's Review of
the Rear muffler:
Replace your worn out muffler that is leaking,
rusted or broken.
The Rear Muffler includes:
Rear Muffler 123 Body
Pic coming soon Price:$243.00
S&H: $15.00
Rear Muffler 240d
S&H: $15.00
Product Description:
Is your muffler leaking, rusted or missing? This part can be used on 300
and 240d series 123 models through 1985. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Order your muffler for your 123
240d below.
Russell's Review of
the Rear muffler:
Replace your worn out muffler that is leaking,
rusted or broken.
The Rear Muffler includes:
Upper Body Molding Inserts

S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Is your body trim falling off or loose? This part can be used on most
Mercedes. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Body Trim Inserts:
These inserts hold the body trim to the side of
the car. You can look at the
Mercedes paint preparation pictorial to see how installation is done.
Sold in packs of 10 inserts.
The Body Trim Inserts includes:
Lower Molding Clips

S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Is your Lower body trim falling off or loose? This part can be used on most
Mercedes. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Lower Molding Clips:
These inserts hold the lower body trim molding to the side of
the car. Just push the center rivet into the hole in the
body and its secure. You can look at the
Mercedes paint preparation pictorial to see how installation is done.
Sold in packs of 10 inserts.
The Lower Molding
Clips includes:
Rear Emblem Inserts

S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Is your rear emblems falling off or loose? This part can be used on most
Mercedes. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Rear Emblem Insert:
These are the little inserts that fit in the holes
in the rear deck lid and the trim studs fit into the inserts. You
can look at the Mercedes paint preparation pictorial to see how installation is done.
Sold in pack of 6 inserts.
Vent Rivets

S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Are you replacing the cowl vent or missing the
plastic rivets? This part can be used on 123
Mercedes. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Cowl Vent Rivets:
These are the plastic rivets that secure the cowl
vent to the cowl at the base of the windshield. You
can look at the Mercedes paint preparation pictorial to see how installation is done.
Sold in pack of 4 inserts. Enough to secure 1 cowl vent.
Windshield Washer Nozzles

S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Is your windshield washer nozzles broken, leaking
or not spraying properly? This part can be used on 123
body. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Windshield Washer Nozzle:
These nozzles clog up, get broken, etc over time
and your loose your washer performance. You
can look at the Mercedes paint preparation pictorial to see how installation is done.
Sold in pack of 2 nozzles.
Windshield Washer Kit

S&H: $Free
Product Description:
Is your windshield washer nozzles broken, leaking
or not spraying properly? This part can be used on 123
body. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Windshield Washer Kit:
These nozzles clog up, get broken, etc over time
and your loose your washer performance. You
can look at the Mercedes paint preparation pictorial to see how installation is done.
Sold in pack of 2 nozzles.
One (1) pack of 2
windshield washer nozzles.
One (1) tee connector
One (1) 90 degree connector
Six (6) inches of braded
washer line
Phone access to me
if you have any questions.
Windshield Wiper Shield
No longer available S&H: $1.50
Product Description:
Are your wiper shaft seals cracked or
broken? This part can be used on 123,
models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Windshield Wiper Shield:
These shields go under the wiper shafts and
protect the shaft, and bolts from water and debris. You can look
at the Mercedes paint preparation pictorial to see how installation is
The Windshield Wiper
Shield includes:
Battery Tray & Hold Downs
S&H: $6.50

Battery Tray Hold Downs (set of 2)
Product Description:
Is your battery tray rusted and corroded? This part can be used on 123,
models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Battery Tray:
This battery tray is a Genuine Mercedes Part, not
an aftermarket one, so you know that it looks and fits perfect. I
went out and got the best for this part! The battery hold downs
are also Genuine Mercedes Part, not aftermarket.
The Battery Tray includes:
Side Mirror Glass
pic coming soon Drivers Side
Glass Price:$175.00
S&H: $6.50
Passenger Side Glass Price:$183.00
S&H: $6.50
Product Description:
Is your side
mirror glass broken or corroded? This part can be used on 115,
116 and 123
models only. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Make sure to order either the
drivers or passengers side
Russell's Review of
the Side Mirror Glass:
This side mirror glass will restore your rear view
look. OEM spec mirror will keep you looking good!
The Side Mirror Glass includes:
Tachometer Sensor

S&H: $6.50
Product Description:
Is your
tachometer not working any more? This part can be used on
116, 123 and 126 turbo
models only through 1985. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Russell's Review of
the Tachometer Sensor:
Often times the tachometer senor fails and causes
the RPM gauge to quit working. Replacement is as simple as
screwing a new sensor on. The sensor is right next to the glow
plug relay and looks like a miniature trash cam. You won't even get
your hands dirty on this job.
The Tachometer Sensor includes:
Speedometer Cable
pic coming soon Price:$90.00
S&H: $4.50
For '77-'81 Cars
For '82-'85 Cars Price:$90.00
S&H: $4.50
Product Description:
Is your
speedometer cable broken or not working anymore? This part can be used on
123 models only through 1985. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Please make sure to order the
right cable for your year car. '77-'81 or '82-'85.
Russell's Review of
the Speedometer Cable:
Stop driving around with a broken cable or a
speedometer that bounces the needle up and down like a nervous twitch.
Easy to replace and install.
The Speedometer Cable includes:
Door Check Strap
S&H: $5.50 Front
Rear Doors
S&H: $5.50
Product Description:
Is your
door check strap broken? This part can be used on
123 models only through 1985. Please give year, make model and VIN
# when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
This is for Sedans only, call for
pricing on the coupes.
Please make sure to order the
front or rear doors.
Russell's Review of
the Door Check Strap:
If your door check strap is broken or bent the
door won't stay open or will grind and pop when you open or close it.
Easy to replace and you won't be embarrassed when you open the door
The Door Check Strap includes:
Hazard Switch

S&H: $5.50
Product Description:
Is your hazard
switch not working? This part can be used on
123 and 126 models 1982-1985. Please give year, make model
and VIN # when ordering so we get you the proper kit.
Your hazard switch may look
different than the picture.
Email me for other models not
Russell's Review of
the Hazard Switch:
Many time the hazard switch will fail. It
can also cause the directional blinkers not to work also. Its
simple and easy to replace.
The Hazard Switch